Faculty and staff checklist download
Checklist for Travelers
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Faculty, staff, and students can explore the pre-departure checklist on this page to get ready for travel abroad. You can also download and print these checklists to help you prepare.
Step one: Research your destination and make safety preparations
Use the Worldcue Planner (Net ID required) to get destination-specific information. You can also reference CDC and US Department of State resources.
High-risk destinations
If you’re a student, or you’re leading a program or trip involving students, you must receive approval if traveling to a high-risk destination. Visit our High-Risk Travel page to learn more.
US sanctions
Certain countries and regions are subject to US economic and trade sanctions by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Department of the Treasury. For the most up-to-date list, visit the OFAC Sanctions Programs and Country Information page.
Any proposed transaction, contract, collaboration, purchase, or other transaction in, or involving, a sanctioned country or entity (whether governmental, non-profit, or commercial), or individual based in a sanctioned country, should be discussed in advance with the University’s Office of Research and Project Administration (ORPA).
If you’re conducting research during your time abroad, visit our International Research Operations page for specific guidelines.
Information security
International travelers with laptops, phones, and other mobile devices risk their information security through possible loss, seizure, or tampering. To reduce the risks, read University IT’s Information Security Guidelines for International Travel.
Safety preparation
Visit our Emergency Resources While Abroad page to familiarize yourself with emergency protocols. The Center for Education Abroad as also compiled additional safety recommendations that you can review.
Step two: Apply for your passport and obtain any necessary visas
Research the visa requirements and timelines well in advance of your departure as it can be a lengthy process.
- US citizens can apply for a passport directly through the US State Department. Please review the processing times and expedited services.
- Non-US citizens can obtain a visa from your destination country’s embassy or consulate in the US.
We have also negotiated a reduced rate with VisaCentral, a visa and passport services vendor. For a fee, they can assist you with routine and expedited applications.
Additional details
Proof of evacuation and repatriation coverage
If you’re required to show proof of evacuation and repatriation coverage to obtain a visa or other travel document, request a letter online. In order to receive this letter, your travel must be considered University-sponsored or supported. Visit our Travel Insurance page for more information.
International students and scholars: Consult with us
International students and scholars should always consult advisors at the Center for Education Abroad and International Services Office before leaving the US to ensure you can return without incident. If you have a single-entry US visa and you plan to return to the US, you’ll need to obtain a new US visa while you’re abroad.
Undergraduate students: Financial aid coverage
If your Visa application requires proof of financial aid/scholarships, contact the Financial Aid Office. You can also explore additional visa and passport resources on the Center for Education Abroad website.
Step three: Book your travel
The University’s preferred travel vendors are DePrez Travel Group and Town and Country Travel. When possible, please arrange your travel through one of these two agencies.
Step four: Register your travel
Visit our Travel Registry page for full details on how to register your travel, both with the University and with the embassy of your country of citizenship.
Step five: Attend training
More details about training opportunities for students, faculty, and trip leaders are being developed. Stay tuned!
Step six: Review your health insurance
It’s important to understand what health coverage you’ll have while abroad. Health insurance is different than travel insurance.
Student health insurance
Enrolled with University insurance
If you are enrolled in the University Student Health Insurance Plan, print your ID card at the Aetna Student Health website.
On your own insurance plan
If you are on your own, or on your parents’, health insurance:
- Obtain a copy of your health insurance ID card.
- Check with your insurance provider to see what they cover internationally. Some topics to ask your provider about include:
- Medical emergency coverage
- Obtaining prescription drugs overseas
- Locating health service providers abroad
- How to obtain a copy of your health insurance card
Wish to enroll in University insurance
If you wish to enroll in the University Student Health Insurance Plan, email the UHS Insurance Advisor at insurance@uhs.xiaoneizhi.com for assistance with the enrollment process. If you make changes to your health insurance, be aware of the start and end dates to avoid any gap in coverage.
Faculty and staff health insurance
Enrolled in University insurance
If you are currently enrolled in a University health plan, review these resources:
- BCBS Global Core: Search providers, get news alerts and access emergency information and medical translations.
- Note: When you initially visit the website, you must enter the first three letters of your insurance ID. Those letters are: “URL.” For all Rochester health plan members, these letters are the same.
- Print your BCBS Global Core brochure (PDF) and carry it while abroad.
- Download the BCBS Global Core mobile app, available for iPhone and Android.
Not enrolled in University insurance
If you are not currently enrolled in a University health plan, check with your insurance provider to see what they cover internationally. Some topics to ask your provider about include:
- Medical emergency coverage
- Obtaining prescription drugs overseas
- Locating health service providers abroad
- How to obtain a copy of your health insurance card
Step seven: Visit a health professional
All travelers are encouraged to make appointments with their primary care physicians for a pre-departure physical at least 60 days in advance of travel. You should also discuss immunizations, prescriptions, and advice tailored to specific destinations and health conditions.
Review our Health and Wellbeing Travel Preparation Guide to learn more, and explore additional resources below.
Passport Health Travel Clinic
For a fee, Passport Health partners with the University to offer comprehensive travel services to individuals planning an overseas trip. Its healthcare professionals are travel experts who can help you plan a safe, worry-free trip. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, call (585) 275-8884 or contact Passport Health online.
Student services
- University Health Service (UHS): Students planning to travel outside the United States should see their University Health Service primary care provider to review health risks, update immunizations, and plan for health care while abroad. Before coming for your visit, check the CDC’s travelers’ health page for information about immunizations required for the country to which you are traveling.
- University Counseling Center (UCC): The University Counseling Center provides a comprehensive initial assessment and an individualized treatment plan to members of the University community who pay the mandatory health fee. Before departing for international travel, students are encouraged to visit their counselor to discuss strategies to reduce culture shock and manage mental health needs abroad.
- Health care guide: Review the Center for Education Abroad’s health care guide for additional resources and support.
- Confidential form to share with trip leaders: Consider downloading and filling out this confidential health form and sharing it with your trip leaver or program director. This will help them accommodate your needs.
Step eight: Review University travel insurance
All University travelers are covered under Rochester Travel Assistance Services when traveling for University-sponsored or supported activity. There is no additional cost for this benefit, however this coverage is different than health insurance coverage.
Step nine: Save the University’s emergency contact numbers
Visit our Emergencies While Abroad page to understand emergency protocols, and save University of Rochester emergency contacts to your phone.
for students
Just getting started?
If you’re a student and are in the early stages of considering a study abroad program, the Center for Education Abroad has a comprehensive list of steps to take to ensure you’re ready.